Human life is all about explorations and innovations. If we stop innovating, we are only putting a barrier to our growth. Therefore, we should explore new things regularly by engaging in artistic activities, such as singing, dancing, drawing, etc. Engagement in such creative activities addresses our growth in multiple ways. This is why scientists prioritize the development of critical thinking in children’s childhood days.
Neurological Effect Of Drawing On Children
Basically, whenever we draw, we challenge our subconscious mind. The basic setting of mind is to work in automation. This thing is developed by routine working on a single task or activity. Although this form of automation makes us feel comfortable, it impairs our mental growth to a great extent. It is because routine working disables the productive side of our brain, which ultimately affects our thinking capability. This is why we need to challenge our brains regularly by engaging in artistic activities.
The science for this relies upon the following fact-
Whenever we draw, firstly, we imagine things in our minds. This imagination depicts neuron motion in the brain. So, when we draw, the neurons activate the unconscious part of the brain. This causes the brain to function in a conscious way through which we unlock our true potential. To promote this scientific fact, Matrix High, a CBSE school in Rajasthan, emphasizes drawing sessions for primary-level kids. This unlocks the mental capabilities of young children, which at a later age could help them to grow critical thinking skills.
Other Benefits Of Drawing
In addition to the above-mentioned benefit, the art of drawing is good for children in the following ways:
1. Uplifting of motor skills: Motor skills are the special movement of hands, wrists, and fingers. We can easily type, drive, and text by possessing good motor skills. When we draw, we take extra care to move the pencil or crayon. This programs our brain to function in a specific manner, through which we nurture our motor skills.
2. Encouragement of visual analysis: Whenever a child draws on a paper sheet, he tries to put the impression on that paper. Although he may not draw good in his initial attempts, this does not mean he is not a good artist. In fact, his efforts depict his ability to understand and present visual concepts. Visual comparison or analysis compares two things on different parameters, such as distance, size, or other characterization.
3. Confidence building: Whenever a child receives appreciation from his parents and teachers, he feels joy. This feeling of joy ultimately helps him to grow his confidence level. To make our children confident, we should ask our kids to draw something, such as a family tree, natural things, and so on. Such things help in unlocking the potential of children, which, over time, emerge in the form of a highly radiant personality.
Final Words
The points described in the above paragraphs depict the role of drawing in the education system. The development of art has always been an important parameter that defines a person’s capability to emerge into a magnificent identity. Without working on our artistic selves, we cannot unlock our true potential. Hence, we should unlock mental capabilities by engaging in different activities.
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